
Charybdis takes place in the ocean underneath the icy crust of Neptune’s moon Triton in the year 2173. Each player chooses a submarine crew contracted by opposing corporations competing to retrieve the black box from the wreck of the Charybdis.

This is a competitive board game for up to 5 players where you must compete against rival submarine crews by scavenging wrecks for resources, upgrading your ship, and completing work orders in order to be the first to reach the black box and win the game.


Served as the Project Lead and was responsible for organizing meetings, assigning tasks, keeping documentation, and oversaw the transformation of our game into a physical product.

Contributed a large majority to the design of the game, coming up with the initial pitch for the game and creating the core game design and systems. These mechanics include a tile-based map and exploration system with random encounters, ship upgrades and consumables players tied to a resource-based economy, as well as the submarine crews players could choose each with their own unique abilities.

Wrote and designed the entirety of the rulebook using Photoshop, worked with Art Team converting it into a polished and print-ready document.

Worked closely with the Art Team making sure that both the game Design and Art matched aesthetically as well as helped model two of the player ship pieces.

Game in Action


Video Showcase


Best Tabletop Boardgame (SCAD Entelechy 2022)

SCAD Entelechy 2022 Display


Beneath the Badlands

